About Me

Loise Lynne is passionate about life. A hopeless romantic, she loves writing about women with strong characters and men who could not resist them. Born and raised in the Philippines and has lived in Bangkok, Thailand for quite a while, she is currently living in France, where she usually spends her free time eating delicious eclairs, opera, fraisier cakes, and pain au chocolat, browsing for fresh fruits and legumes at the market, buying herself some fresh cut flowers, and drowning herself with some great French wine when she is not writing. She also loves to travel, have wild explorations, have dinner and laughter with the people she loves, cook and bake, read, paint, and dance without any care.

Disclaimer: The stories posted here are originally written and owned by Loise Lynne, purely fictional, and are not related to anything or anyone in real life. All rights reserved.

All the photos on this site are personally owned and taken using her Samsung Galaxy S22u or Sony camera.

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